


工作签证移民新思路,自己开公司自己来担保 英国工作签证一直以来都很受关注,然而多年以来的雇主担保以及名额的限制都给申请带来的很多不便。随着近年来移民政策的调整,终于迎来的利好的消息,开辟了一条新的移民思路:自我担保。   顾名思义,自我担保,即申请人自己在英国创办公司,或者已经经营一家公司。再由该公司取得担保雇佣海外员工资质,再使用该资质担保申请人来英国工作并通过该途径最终取得签证。申请人可以担任公司董事,也可以持有公司股份,一切尽在掌握。 项目优势: 无投资金额要求...

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SM v Entry Clearance Officer (C-129/18): European Court of Justice confirms that children adopted under Algerian Kafala system are to be considered as ‘other’ family members pursuant to Article 3(2)(a).

The European Court of Justice has ruled that whilst children adopted under the Kafala system cannot be treated as direct family members, they are to be treated as 'other' family members and that the competent national authorities are to facilitate the entry and...

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